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Primarily a painter, I am interested in pursuing work and research concerned with the ever-increasing disposable mindset our world has adopted. From paper towels to animal flesh, we humans feel we have the right to dispose of mass quantities of resources as if they are endless. I am exploring the visual and textural similarities textiles and papers have to animal flesh, and the content both these materials hold in a global context. Through this context I am thinking about the hyper-consumer mindset and how it influences not only our environmental degradation, but also our interpersonal relationships with ourselves, our bodies and others. The immediacy of this world is incredible, and things can get done faster than ever before, but at what cost? It interests me to consider the pace of our bodies, our minds, and doing things within those physical and mental capacities. 
I received my Bachelor of Fine Arts from Idaho State University in the Rocky Mountains in 2015.
My studio is currently in an industrial area of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.  

Please contact me for more information on my practices, thoughts and work pricing. 

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